Welcome to the Tesla Owners Club of Alabama Engagement Hub!

What content and actions would be most valuable to you?

  • Mark

    Showcase your Tesla at one of our 4 EVents in September. Auburn 9/22: Mobile 9/25: Huntsville and Birmingham on 9/30. For details and to register go to www.DriveElectricAlabama.com.  Go to Events page. Help us educate everyone on fun of driving electric.

  • Gregory

    Thank you for accepting me into the group. I look forward being involved. Speaking of involvement I would like to help with getting a service center or store here in Alabama. I do know a state representative that is on the transportation committee. I am happy to help anyway I can.

  • Mark

    Justin, you might be interested in knowing that Alabama is ONLY state that is setting aside 25% of EV registration fee for building charging infrastructure. The Alabama Department of Transportation will be administering the monies and will, in future, issue requests for proposals for grants.

  • Justin

    Excited to be a member. I wish there was more we could do against the higher registration fees in the state and Alabama Power charging rooftop solar users an extra fee just for the heck of it.