It was a B-E-A-UTIFUL day on Sunday, June 28, 2020 when 20 Tesla’s gathered for a Jungle Cruise through Six Flags Great Adventure Safari!

Lions & Tigers, & BEARS! O MY!
Because of Pandemic Circumstances, Six Flags opened up their Safari Gates to personal vehicles for the first time in over 2 decades. So for a time Six Flags is a place where all the species of Earth can gaze upon one another, but still be distanced.

Together we convoyed in between The Wildlife. A sight which probably hadn’t been seen since The Tesla Netherlands Safari in 2014. Video @ But unlike 2014, Tesla Vehicles today are just as diverse as The Wildlife at The Safari. We had S’s, we had 3’s, X’s, and Y’s all together. And not just from New Jersey, we had owners from New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and even Georgia.

Thanks to the cooperation of the leadership of The Tesla Owners Club New York State & The Delaware Valley Tesla Owners Club, we were able to make this event a Success.
And I’m sure The Animals would agree too. If the Animals could contemplate an Electric Car, I’m sure they’d thank us for not spewing emissions during our visit.

We saw m any fellow species of Earth that day. The Giraffe, The Ostrich, Elephants. All The Classics.
With all the traffic, our Trek took approximately 2 Hours. It was the best view in a Traffic Jam I had ever experienced.

400 or 500 Moments...I’m sure if you think really hard throughout an entire day, you could probably list 400 or 500 Good Moments throughout your entire Life. And for me, The Tesla Safari at Six Flags, will be on that list.

Photos By: Stephen Pallotta, Carson Gallo and Michelle Cohen
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