Tesla Insurance Available in Illinois

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  • Techuila

    With prime safety score (98+ with v1.2) I had a premium of $38 vs 240 a month with Geico. 


    As a side note tho, please contact your state reps and tell them that you DO NOT want safety score v2.0. Safety scores are rolled out to drivers after state DMV approval. 


    Make sure that you guys express your dissatisfaction with penalties for nighttime driving, forward collision warnings (FCW) as well as braking. 


    All of these factors, especially FCW and night driving and highly inevitable, and it is unfair to be penalized for such driving behaviors, in my case upwards of $100 premium increases in a short amount of time. 

  • DRM

    Here's one actual example.  Allstate quoted $6000 for two Tesla (Model 3 and new Model X).  switched to Tesla insurance with 98 score and paying $60 per month